Too Tired To Tuned In
How Olivia learns to stop feeling tired and start embracing her sexual excitement

Olivia sank into her couch, remote in hand, as her girlfriend Zoe settled in beside her. As Zoe's arm brushed against hers, a familiar warmth bloomed in Olivia's lower abdomen. Her pulse quickened, and she felt a tingling sensation spread across her skin.
Almost immediately, a heavy blanket of guilt descended upon her. Olivia's Catholic upbringing had instilled in her a deep-seated shame around sexual desire, especially towards other women. The conflict between her attraction and her ingrained beliefs created a constant internal struggle.
"I'm actually feeling pretty tired," Olivia said, forcing a yawn. "Maybe we should just go to bed early tonight."
Zoe looked at her with a mix of concern and disappointment. "Are you okay? You've been 'tired' a lot lately."
Olivia nodded, already feeling the familiar heaviness settling into her limbs. It wasn't entirely an act - the emotional effort of suppressing her desires often left her genuinely exhausted. "Yeah, just been busy at work, you know how it is."
As they prepared for bed, Olivia was acutely aware of the tension in her body. Her shoulders felt tight, her jaw clenched. The excitement she'd felt earlier still simmered beneath the surface, but it was muffled now, buried under layers of guilt and feigned fatigue.
This had become Olivia's go-to defense mechanism. Whenever she felt the stirrings of desire, she would retreat into exhaustion. It was easier to claim tiredness than to confront the complex emotions swirling inside her.
But as she lay in bed that night, sleep eluding her despite her proclaimed fatigue, Olivia found herself reflecting on her behavior. She thought about how often she'd used this excuse, how it was affecting her relationship with Zoe, and how disconnected she felt from her own desires.
The next evening, as they cuddled on the couch watching a movie, Olivia felt the familiar warmth rising within her. Her first instinct was to fake a yawn, to claim exhaustion once again. But this time, she paused.
Taking a deep breath, Olivia allowed herself to fully experience the sensation. The warmth in her abdomen intensified, spreading through her body like wildfire. Her heart raced, her breath quickened. With the excitement came the guilt, a cold, heavy feeling in her chest.
But instead of pushing it all away, Olivia sat with these feelings. She acknowledged the excitement, giving herself permission to feel it without judgment. She recognized the guilt, understanding its origins but not letting it overwhelm her.
"Zoe," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I need to tell you something."
Over the next hour, Olivia opened up to her girlfriend about her struggles. She talked about the conflict between her desires and her upbringing, about using tiredness as a way to avoid dealing with these complicated emotions. Tears flowed as she spoke, but with each word, Olivia felt a weight lifting from her shoulders.
Zoe listened with compassion, holding Olivia's hand and offering support. "I'm so glad you told me," she said. "We can work through this together, at your pace."
In the days and weeks that followed, Olivia worked on allowing herself to experience desire without immediately shutting it down. When she felt the familiar warmth rising, instead of claiming exhaustion, she would take a moment to breathe and acknowledge the feeling.
It wasn't always easy. Sometimes the guilt still crept in, and there were nights when Olivia genuinely was too tired. But she was learning to differentiate between real fatigue and her habitual defense mechanism.
As Olivia became more comfortable with her desires, she found herself feeling more energized and alive. The constant effort of suppression had been draining her more than she'd realized. Now, as she allowed herself to experience the full range of her emotions, she felt a new vitality.
Her relationship with Zoe deepened as they navigated this journey together. Olivia learned to communicate her feelings more openly, whether it was desire, guilt, or genuine tiredness. They took things slowly, with Zoe always respecting Olivia's boundaries.
One evening, as they sat on the couch where this journey had begun, Zoe asked, "How are you feeling tonight?"
Olivia took a moment to check in with herself. She felt the familiar warmth of attraction, the quickening of her pulse. The guilt was there too, but it was softer now, more of a whisper than a shout. And she felt wide awake, fully present in the moment.
"I'm feeling excited," Olivia said, a smile playing on her lips. "And a little nervous. But mostly, I'm feeling like myself."
As Zoe leaned in to kiss her, Olivia met her halfway. For the first time in a long while, she wasn't hiding behind a veil of exhaustion. She was fully awake, fully present, fully herself - desires, doubts, and all.
In embracing her authentic self, Olivia had found something more invigorating than any amount of sleep could provide: the energy that comes from living truthfully, from allowing oneself to feel deeply, and from connecting genuinely with another person.
The journey wasn't over - there would still be challenges to face and growth to experience. But Olivia was no longer avoiding the path. She was walking it, eyes wide open, fully awake to all the possibilities that lay ahead.